On the International Day of Student Solidarity, the St. Petersburg Mining University Student Council calls upon students from across the globe to support the initiative to establish the international non-political Student Voice movement.

We represent one of the most peaceful professions, the entire history of humanity has been linked to. Our calling is to raise the material well-being of people and ensure the development of countries and continents. Students from over a hundred states have come to study at our university. The fragile, divided world threatens everything we believe in and have chosen to dedicate ourselves to. We know better than most that modern technologies possess enough power to destroy civilisation in a matter of minutes.

And that is why we are addressing you today. 

The global community is no longer on the brink of a cold war, yet a genuine war. We have become hostages of unscrupulous politicians, playing their own games and willingly bringing the world towards collapse for the sake of these games. We were promised a world without borders, but what we see is new bans and sanctions. We were promised freedom of information and openness – instead, we are being given fake news and manipulated to escalate mutual hatred. We were promised security, yet all we have is sabre-rattling. The goals of sustainable development proclaimed by UNESCO are as vulnerable as never before in recent decades.  

We do care what happens next.
As is known, 'The world belongs to the young,' and we do not want the so-called world leaders with their fractional interests to be the only ones determining our future.  

We know well our friends from the universities of Germany and Austria, Great Britain and America. Many of them had done their internships here before the pandemic hit, with our fellow students, participants of double-degree programmes, still studying there. We do not see each other as enemies, despite the media telling us so.

The student community – motivated and empowered – has always been that force that drove the world to progress. There are millions of us. If we join together, we can get our will through!

We have what to say on all issues forming the global agenda – be it ecology and green energy or political systems and civil liberties. We have the capability not just to speak but to act. And we also have the right to make decisions because the future that is being built today is the one we will live in.
Together we are progress and a force to be heard by politicians!

The Student Voice matters.